Friday, August 8, 2008

A Shocking Reality

" Smokers die Young"a phrase often used by the people who support and feel extremely proud while convincing others who do not fit within the group.

Indeed with no doubts we also believe that smokers die young because the blessing to complete the life for them gets lost in every puff of cigarette.

We will be shocked by experiencing reality if we try to take a deep look of our country .

Every year 900,000 deaths occur in India due to cancer caused from smoking cigarettes and other Tobacco products and the figure can raise to one million in the next few years. In the north of India every one out of ten persons consume one or the other form of Tobacco.

Moving towards the east , in Mizoram 85% of men and 65% of women consume Tobacco . In West-Bengal 71% of people use Tobacco and related products. These are just the figures which show the adult population of India who smoke.

However, if we see our future makers our students we will be more shocked to experience the scenario.

According to a recent survey conducted by WHO, 22% of the school teachers and 14.1% of school students smoke and the data is expected to have a surprising hike. About 52% of children consume tobacco by having a strong influence of the movies over them.

The reality of course must have shocked you as it had shocked us. Still we refuse to admit it and live in our false reputation.

Most of us are ignorant and refuse to believe the fact that our children are being a prey into the hands of one our entertainment, two our ignorance and three our false reputation. If we are ready to accept reality and willing to change the current scenario, we have to make a very strong effort, an effort to spread awareness among our children and teachers to be aware of the crime they are committing every day by consuming tobacco and products every moment.

Indeed, smoking is a crime in the court of Humanity and Justice because when one person smokes he does not merely harm himself but he harms the people and the whole environment around him.

To inhale the smoke of Tobacco is as harmful as to smoke tobacco itself. By just inhaling the smoke one can become vulnerable to an extremely fatal disease called as cancer which has little remedy till date.

Therefore, we request you to think deeply to monitor your own actions and analise that if you are moving towards peace and harmony OR towards Fear and Death.

After all prevention is better than cure.